#Ask8now – Reasons Why #SmallBusiness
#Owners Refuse To #Hire #Copywriters
Rather a typical #list of reasons why you should hire a copywriter,
let me just counter the #objections you might have to do so…
Reasons Why Small Business Owners Refuse To Hire Copywriters
Many small businesses often refuse to hire copywriters for both their online and offline marketing. Rather than give you a typical list of reasons why you should hire a copywriter, let me just counter the objections you might have to do so.
I am a good writer and I got A’s in English
Copywriting and English composition are two different skill sets. English composition makes great novels. Good copywriting drives sales. Unless you are in the business of writing novels, you would like a good copywriter to help you in your marketing efforts.
Finding a copywriter and telling them what I want takes too much time; it’s easier to just do it myself.
Are you sure you have the time to perform every aspect of your business, or would it be more efficient if you outsourced some of the work to other professionals? Even if you are an excellent writer, as a local business owner you are terribly busy with sales, purchasing, recruitment, customer service and other business functions.
As an entrepreneur if you wear too many hats by focusing your time and energy on areas of weakness, you feel drained and unmotivated. But when you work within your strengths and outsource functions, your business will have room to grow and prosper.
But it’s too expensive!
Copywriting is designed to drive results and good copywriting drives sales. Good, effective copy that drives sales pays for itself over and over again. You cannot afford not to hire a copywriter
Still Not Convinced You Should Hire A Copywriter For Your Business?
At least consider hiring a good editor to review your work. It will pay dividends for the life of your business. Get a good one and it will be money well spent. Ask to see samples of their work and talk to them about their thoughts about your particular project. Value for money is what you are looking for. Do some preparation beforehand, such as some research notes or a plan to help your editor so they can work faster and for a cheaper rate, and perhaps more accurately.
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