These Top Tips Will Make Your Articles Really Shine!

Articles by Ask8

#Ask8now – These Top #Tips Will Make Your
#Articles Really Shine!
Here we will look at tips for writing
generally and especially for the web…

These Top Tips Will Make Your Articles Really Shine!

Writing for the web is a unique and specific skill and to get it right you need to approach it as such. In many ways, the laws of writing still apply and anything that makes your writing more engaging and entertaining generally should still work just as well online. It’s just that there are also some additional considerations to bear in mind and some unique pointers that can help you to thrive on the web specifically even more. Here we will look at tips for writing generally and especially for the web…

Get On With It

Long introductions are great for setting the scene and especially in print and they can make your writing seem much more professional. That said though, you also don’t want to waffle on before getting to the meat of your article – especially online where attention spans are famously short. The sooner you start delivering on the promise of the title, the fewer people you’ll lose and the less ‘boring’ your writing will seem.

Space it Out

Another tip for combating those short attention spans is to space out your content and to break it up with headings, sub headings and bullet points. The right typeface also goes a long way. This way people can quickly skim the text on your site and get an idea as to the gist of each section. They’ll then be able to quickly decide whether it’s for them or not.

Share Your Sources

If your aim is to develop trust and authority through your writing, then sharing sources is a great way to get people on board – especially if you can link to studies, surveys or official sites to back up your points. Google also likes it when you do this, so it’s very good for SEO.

Be Chatty

While you might want to sound professional, you also want to make sure that your writing is easy to read and flows naturally. You also need to avoid content that’s too dense and filled with jargon to be enjoyable to read.

The best way to ensure that your content flows well and is readable for the web, is to try reading it to yourself afterwards. While writing, imagine that you’re talking to a friend and write the way you would normally speak. Note though that you of course might need to be more or less colloquial depending on the nature of the site it will be published on and the topic.


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