How Can Social Media Be Used To Promote Properties?

How Can Social Media Be Used To Promote Properties?

The National Association of Realtors states that it is essential for the real estate marketers to get social to score clients and close the deals across the country. About 77% of the realtors have been found to use social media actively and 47% of the realtors have noticed that social media brings in the highest quality of potential leads when compared with other sources.  In fact, social media is considered to be an absolute goldmine for real estate businesses when you have the right social strategy devised by the expert social media branding NYC. Whether you are starting from the scratch or is looking to figure out on ways to attract more leads through social media, keep reading to understand the possible ways from the expert personal branding consultant NYC

Suitable Real Estate #Hashtags

Hashtags are often mistaken as a tactic to only increase the likes on a social media post. Though it is true that Hashtags bring more engagement, they also accelerate your brand’s discovery on social media. You can make use of hashtags on your posts related to real estate for the home buyers to find you out. Yes, they create the opportunity for the potential clients to find your brand out.

Quotographic/Image Content

If you are a realtor, you know how difficult it is to come up with quality content every time for your business. Instead you can look out for simple realty ideas, and add them to relevant images. This will help resonate with your target audience. You can add your customer testimonials or any effective real estate quote, this will help you build trust for your brand among the audience.

Make Use of the Right Social Channels

There are a number of social media channels, which businesses can use them based on their requirements. But the challenge lies in choosing the right social network depending on the demographics of your target audience. Pinterest and Instagram allow you to showcase your properties through beautiful pictures, and simultaneously engage the users to contact you and foster direct conversations. So choose the right platform that will showcase your business better. If you require help, get in touch with the personal branding consultant NYC to make use of the right social channel for your business.

Customer Engagement

If you are looking to build a community for your brand, then social networks is the best option. This will help improve your personal branding NYC and engage with your followers and connections. Always make sure that you reply to every comment on the social pages, and respond back with hashtags. Another good way to enhance your customer engagement is to go live on your social page. You can actually take your audience on a live tour of your real estate project and obtain maximum real-time engagement.

Leveraging the features of social media for your real estate business will provide you with new opportunities and improve the communications with your target customers. If you are still waiting to use social media to promote properties, don’t wait any longer, it is high time that you join the social media platforms and see your business grow!

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